Charlottesville retreat for women

Glentivar is a hidden haven in the heart of Greenwood, VA. This historic 1840s farmhouse used to be a Presbyterian girls’ school and had, on the mountain field, some of the first Albemarle Pippin apples. The Davis kids love playing in the creek and making forts in the massive 200 year old boxwoods. Britt and her husband love to entertain, and have continued to during what seems like the longest renovation of all time. With four kids, 40 animals, onsite retreats, her art studio - and more - it is a space full of light & joy.

BRITT’S HUSBAND, JARED, IS Physician by day AND Farmer by night.

Although it is not a fully working farm, the Davis family (let’s be honest - it’s 80% Jared!) harvests honey from their apiary and raises pigs for pork.

Purchase pork or honey (or both!) below. Local pickup only.

There is never a dull moment around here.

Life at Glentivar…